Why The Super Visa Program Is Your Long-stay Passport to Canada?

The Super Visa is a fantastic perk for family visits that lets eligible individuals like parents or grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents stay in Canada for up to two years without constantly renewing their visa.

If you’re applying for a Super Visa, you’ll need to have private health insurance during your stay in Canada. Take the time to go through the Super Visa Insurance by Manulife terms thoroughly to confirm they meet all the requirements of the Super Visa program.

Eligibility criteria for Super Visa

To be eligible for the Super Visa, individuals must meet specific criteria:

  • Relationship: Applicants for Super Visa must be parents or grandparents of Canadian citizens.
  • Invitation: A written invitation from a Canadian citizen or permanent resident is required.
  • Financial Requirement: The child or grandchild sponsoring the Super Visa must meet the minimum income requirement.
  • Health Insurance: Applicants must have valid private health insurance coverage from a Canadian insurer for at least one year.
  • Medical Examination: A medical examination by an approved physician is necessary for health and entry into Canada.

When searching for insurance, visitors should aim for plans that cover medical services, hospital stays, and emergency care thoroughly. Parent super visa insurance offers three different plans to select from. Make sure to disclose any pre-existing medical conditions for sufficient coverage to Super Visa Insurance Toronto to prevent potential issues.

The Canadian immigration system can be tricky to navigate. Danforth Insurance simplifies things by for those people who want to come to Canada. Since insurance is a must for the application, having it significantly boosts your chances of securing a super visa.

For more information, you can visit our website https://danforthinsurance.com/ and call us at 647-350-0332

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